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Australia’s Green Hydrogen Ambitions: Soldiering On Despite Adversity

Australia’s Green Hydrogen Ambitions: Soldiering On Despite Adversity

Australia's green hydrogen sector is key to the nation's long-term decarbonisation plans, with ambitions to become a leading global producer and exporter. Despite strong government support and vast renewable resources, recent setbacks from major players like Fortescue and Origin have highlighted significant challenges to achieving a commercially viable industry. We take a look at challenges and opportunities facing the sector.

BY Tom Monaghan Oct 17 2024
Queensland’s pumped hydro plans

Queensland’s pumped hydro plans

In September 2022, then Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced plans to construct two new pumped hydro projects: Borumba Dam – a 2GW facility located in Imbil, 50km west of Noosa, and the Pioneer/Burdekin facility which plans to offer 5GW of storage, located 75km west of McKay. We take a look at pumped hydro and how it can support the energy transition.

BY Tom Monaghan Apr 11 2024
Energy storage assessment: Where are we now?

Energy storage assessment: Where are we now?

A new report from the CSIRO has highlighted the major challenge ahead in having sufficient energy storage available in coming decades to support the National Electricity Market (NEM) as dispatchable plant leaves the grid. The roadmap also provides a useful insight into the current maturity level of energy storage technologies, using the commercial readiness index (CRI), as well as a technical readiness level (TRL) framework. We take a look at what they found.

BY Carl Kitchen Jun 08 2023
Energy Outlook points to exponential electricity growth

Energy Outlook points to exponential electricity growth

Increasing levels of electrification and rising living standards globally will see an exponential growth in the demand for electricity, according to projections in BP’s latest energy assessment. BP’s Energy Outlook is updated annually to provide useful insights in the energy transition globally. It considers three scenarios which are designed to consider the full range of potential outcomes into the future and resulting carbon impacts. We take a look at what this latest review finds.

BY Mitchell Cutting Apr 27 2023
Inflation Reduction Act, Part 1: What’s the Big Deal?

Inflation Reduction Act, Part 1: What’s the Big Deal?

Since the introduction of the Inflation Reduction Act in the US last year, the full extent of its impact on clean energy developments has started to emerge. It has been described as a “game changer”, a “big deal” and the “largest investment ever directed to combatting climate change” and it is expected to have global knock-on effects. As a result it has raised concerns with other nations. We look at some of key areas in the Act and in a separate article below we consider the responses to the Act.

BY Australian Energy Council Apr 13 2023
IRA Part 2: Responses to the Act

IRA Part 2: Responses to the Act

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has caused quite a stir globally given the breadth of its ambition and the real potential for it to impact clean energy developments elsewhere. Locally business leaders have suggested Australia needs to react. We consider some of the responses both locally and internationally to date.

BY Australian Energy Council Apr 13 2023
Deep Dive: 2023 NSW Election Commitments

Deep Dive: 2023 NSW Election Commitments

With the New South Wales state election less than two weeks away, the campaign is heating up. The Perrottet Government is seeking a fourth term in office with its self-described agenda to “Keep NSW Moving Forward.” In contrast, NSW Labor and its leader Chris Minns are promising a new direction and campaigning for a “Fresh Start for NSW”. We take a look at election commitments from the major parties and their implications for the energy industry.

Deep Dive: 2022 Victorian Election Commitments

Deep Dive: 2022 Victorian Election Commitments

Recent data shows that energy is an issue that more and more voters are conscious of as they consider which politicians are best to lead us. The latest True Issues Survey conducted by JWS Research and published in the Australian Financial Review shows that 39% of people believe that energy is one of the most important issue the government should focus on, compared with 20% in March. This movement comes against a background of an energy crisis in June precipitating higher wholesale energy prices and the effects beginning to filter through to consumer bills.

BY Australian Energy Council Nov 24 2022
A view from the Spree: Australian Energy Delegation to Berlin

A view from the Spree: Australian Energy Delegation to Berlin

While Australia’s east coast energy market winter can justifiably be described as an unprecedented crisis, Germany puts this into perspective as it is facing something much bigger and longer. Germany is also tackling decarbonisation of its energy sector and economy. The Australian Energy Council’s General Manager Policy and Research, Ben Skinner, recently participated in a delegation to Berlin as part of the Australia – Germany Energy Partnership. It provided an opportunity to learn about and from Germany’s decarbonisation efforts. Here we present some reflections on Germany on both the energy crisis and its long-term direction.

BY Ben Skinner Oct 06 2022
Are hydrogen targets the answer?

Are hydrogen targets the answer?

The West Australian Government is exploring options to establish targets for blending in gas networks and to introduce an obligation for electricity retailers to buy an amount of electricity sourced from renewable hydrogen – a Renewable Hydrogen Target. We take a look at what is currently being proposed and the challenges that need to be considered.

BY Graham Pearson Aug 25 2022
Hydrogen: Big opportunities, but bigger barriers?

Hydrogen: Big opportunities, but bigger barriers?

The latest discussion paper in the Australian Energy Council’s “55 by 35” series on Australia’s Energy Future focuses on hydrogen. The AEC has proposed an interim economy-wide emission reduction target of 55 per cent from 2005 levels by 2035 and the papers consider options for decarbonisation. Hydrogen undoubtedly has considerable potential, but it’s still also a long way away from delivering on that potential.

BY Australian Energy Council Jul 28 2022
EU hydrogen blending: Is it the right mix?

EU hydrogen blending: Is it the right mix?

The European Commission’s hydrogen strategy aims to make widespread use of green hydrogen possible from 2030 onwards, while Britain’s gas grid is currently preparing to accept a blend of up to 20 per cent hydrogen. But a recent study claims that adding 20 per cent hydrogen in the European gas grid is “technically complex".

BY Justine Lovell Mar 17 2022
Hydrogen for generation

Hydrogen for generation

Hydrogen is currently enjoying extraordinary political and business momentum, with the number of policies, national plans and projects growing. With its lack of carbon emissions, there is momentum for its use in generation - but some challenges still remain.

BY Carl Kitchen Apr 29 2021
FMG chases green dream

FMG chases green dream

Disruption is one of the cornerstones of the success of Fortescue Metals Group. FMG’s ability to get things done in the face of seemingly insurmountable barriers can be illustrated no more vividly than when BHP and Rio Tinto sought to prevent the then start up iron ore miner from accessing its rail lines in the Pilbara. FMG built its own and outdid its rivals by extending those lines to Perth. Now FMG wants to apply the same zeal to energy and green steel.

BY Hamish Fitzsimmons Mar 04 2021
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