Statement of Strategic Intent

The Australian Energy Council is the peak industry body for electricity and downstream natural gas businesses operating in the competitive wholesale and retail energy markets. AEC members generate and sell energy to 10 million homes and businesses and are major investors in renewable energy generation. The AEC supports reaching net-zero by 2050 as well as a 55 per cent emissions reduction target by 2035 and is committed to delivering the energy transition for the benefit of consumers.

Latest Analysis

Phantom Dwellings in Australia: A Growing Barrier for Renewable Energy Projects

Phantom Dwellings in Australia: A Growing Barrier for Renewable Energy Projects

As Australia intensifies its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve 82% renewable energy by 2030, significant obstacles continue to emerge. One of the more insidious and less understood tactics employed by opponents of renewable energy development is the strategic use of phantom dwellings - proposed residential developments that are never intended to be built but are utilised to delay or block renewable projects by exploiting legal and planning loopholes. We take a look at how this tactic is being used, the impact it’s having on renewable projects, and what can be done to mitigate against it.

BY Tom Monaghan Oct 10 2024
Is increased volatility the new norm?

Is increased volatility the new norm?

This year has showcased an increased level of volatility in the National Electricity Market (NEM). To date we have seen significant fluctuations in spot prices with prices hitting both maximum price caps on several occasions and ongoing growth in periods of negative prices with generation being curtailed at times. We took a closer look at why this is happening and the impact this could have on the grid in the future.

BY Australian Energy Council Oct 03 2024
Energy Retail: Meeting the Future Needs of Energy Consumers

Energy Retail: Meeting the Future Needs of Energy Consumers

The electrification of everything, responsive demand and energy storage, the rise of prosumers and digitalisation and the evolving regulatory framework are all changing the landscape for energy consumers, making it clear that the traditional energy only retail model is not likely to meet all of consumers’ needs in a high consumer energy resources (CER) world. Currently, the AEC and its members are in the midst of a series of projects which will help consumers find the connections they need. What are are they and how will they help? We take a closer look.

BY Jo De Silva Oct 03 2024
Europe's Power Move: Leaving Coal Behind

Europe's Power Move: Leaving Coal Behind

Next week, the world’s sixth largest economy will bid farewell to coal, with the UK closing its final coal-fired power station. Like the UK, Europe is also seeing a collective phase out of coal, with a majority of European Union states pledging to transition away from the fossil-fuel. Europe’s commitment to decarbonise has accelerated this shift, but what are the implications of this phase-out? We take a closer look.

BY Tom Monaghan Sep 26 2024
Benefits of Membership

Australian Energy Council members have access to a range of industry benefits and services.

Latest News

Statement on Sector Pathways Review

Statement on Sector Pathways Review

The peak body for electricity generators and retailers, the Australian Energy Council has welcomed the release of the Climate Change Authority's Sector Pathways Review which supports the need for a whole of economy effort to reach Australia's net zero ambitions.

Sep 05 2024

Latest Reports

Solar Report: First Half 2024
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Solar Report: First Half 2024

By the end of the first half of this year, solar PV installations had been fitted to more than 3.85 million Australian rooftops with a capacity of 23.65 GW, according to the Clean Energy Regulator. In addition to the latest installation statistics, we take a look at other developments with rooftop solar, as well as utility-scale batteries. Read more.

BY Aaron Martinez Aug 08 2024
Australia's Energy Future - Consumer Energy Resources
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Australia's Energy Future - Consumer Energy Resources

The role of consumers in the energy transition will continue to grow in significance. The Australian Energy Council’s members and other energy sector participants recognise the increasing role of CER in the energy transition as well as the value it can deliver to consumers.

BY Australian Energy Council Jun 17 2024
Solar Report: First Quarter 2024
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Solar Report: First Quarter 2024

By the end of the first quarter this year solar PV installations had put been fitted to more than 3.7 million Australian rooftops with a capacity of 22.58GW, according to the Clean Energy Regulator. In addition to the latest installation statistics, we take a look at other developments with rooftop solar, as well as the impact utility-scale solar is having on price setting in the National Electricity Market.

BY Aaron Martinez Apr 18 2024
Bottlenecks affecting generation development in WA
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Bottlenecks affecting generation development in WA

An energy transition is underway in Western Australia, led by State Government commitments and proposed policies that will shift the electricity sector towards more intermittent and low emission capacity. This Oakley Greenwood report provides a qualitative assessment of the challenges and bottlenecks of investing in new generation in the WEM, and the consequences if new generation cannot connect to the grid in a timely manner.

BY Australian Energy Council Feb 16 2024
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