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Solar Report: Third Quarter 2023

Solar Report: Third Quarter 2023 Solar Report: Third Quarter 2023

Our appetite for solar PV continues. At the end of the third quarter, Australia’s total installed solar rooftop capacity had reached 21.2GW. More than 68,000 new installations were added to the grid in the quarter with a total installed capacity of 620MW. In addition to the latest installation statistics, we take a look at other developments in the sector, including its levelised cost of energy and the average payback period for solar PV systems.

BY Australian Energy Council Nov 09 2023
Solar Report: Second quarter 2023

Solar Report: Second quarter 2023 Solar Report: Second quarter 2023

At the end of the second quarter, Australia’s total installed solar rooftop capacity had reached a massive 20.5GW. More than 61,000 new installations were added to the grid in the quarter with a total installed capacity of 520MW. In addition to the latest installation statistics, we take a look at other developments in the sector, including its levelised cost of energy and the impact of recent interest rate rises on the average payback period for solar PV systems.

BY Australian Energy Council Aug 03 2023
Solar Report: First Quarter 2023

Solar Report: First Quarter 2023 Solar Report: First Quarter 2023

The Australian Energy Council’s latest Solar Report highlights the continued growth in the role of rooftop solar within the grid. It is fast catching up to coal as Australia’s biggest generation source by capacity. We look at the latest installation figures for solar PV, battery as well as international developments.

BY Carol Tran Apr 27 2023
Battery Energy Storage System Guidance Report

Battery Energy Storage System Guidance Report Battery Energy Storage System Guidance Report

The industry’s transition is resulting in energy companies’ health, safety and environment focus moving from conventional generation to large-scale batteries. To assist the industry’s reskilling, the AEC engaged GHD Engineering Consultants to provide an introduction to large-scale battery hazards. They list a wide range of potential hazards and regulatory instruments. They also reflect on regulatory frameworks and emergency services that are struggling to keep up with the rapid rate of change in a novel technology.

Mar 30 2023
Battery Energy Storage System Risk Register

Battery Energy Storage System Risk Register Battery Energy Storage System Risk Register

A high-level risk register to assist industry, regulators, and other stakeholders with the identification and management of risks relating to the operation of a large-scale battery energy storage system. It is focussed primarily on lithium-ion and vanadium redox flow batteries.

Mar 30 2023
Analysis of mandatory frequency control by Provecta Consulting

Analysis of mandatory frequency control by Provecta Consulting Analysis of mandatory frequency control by Provecta Consulting

The National Electricity Market’s (NEM) Reliability Panel is presently reviewing the NEM’s Frequency Operating Standards. One part of that review considers the maximum governor deadband generators must operate when providing mandatory primary frequency response. The AEC engaged expert consultants Provecta, to advise on the impacts of the present very narrow deadband of plus or minus 15 millihertz, which the Panel propose retaining. Provecta find this tight deadband is causing wear on thermal machines and may be causing some observed instability in the system frequency. Provecta suspect a widening of the deadband would benefit both plants and the system.

BY Australian Energy Council Feb 02 2023
Australia's Energy Future - The energy transition and implications for transmission

Australia's Energy Future - The energy transition and implications for transmission Australia's Energy Future - The energy transition and implications for transmission

The latest discussion paper in our series on Australia’s Energy Future focuses on building the transmission required to connect the large-scale renewable generators needed to progress Australia’s transition to net-zero. That some new transmission is required is not in doubt. But the continued support of consumers for the energy transition is predicated on building the system as efficiently as possible. This raises questions about how to determine what gets built and where, how it is funded and who should bear the risks of overbuilding or building in the wrong location.

BY Australian Energy Council Sep 01 2022
Solar Report: Second quarter 2022

Solar Report: Second quarter 2022 Solar Report: Second quarter 2022

The Australian Energy Council’s latest Solar Report updates on developments in the second quarter. Based on current Clean Energy Regulator (CER) data it shows a drop in solar rooftop installations – due to a range of factors including supply chain costs and weather events. Regardless of the drop in Q2, solar continues to play a growing role in the grid. The report looks at factors behind the changes as well as state-by-state shifts.

Jul 28 2022
Australia's Energy Future - Hydrogen

Australia's Energy Future - Hydrogen Australia's Energy Future - Hydrogen

The latest discussion paper in the Australian Energy Council’s “55 by 35” series on Australia’s Energy Future focuses on hydrogen. The AEC has proposed an interim economy-wide emission reduction target of 55 per cent from 2005 levels by 2035 and the papers consider options for decarbonisation. Hydrogen undoubtedly has considerable potential, but it’s still also a long way away from delivering on that potential.

BY Australian Energy Council Jul 28 2022
Solar Report: First quarter 2022

Solar Report: First quarter 2022 Solar Report: First quarter 2022

The Australian Energy Council’s latest Solar Report updates on developments in the first quarter. Based on current Clean Energy Regulator (CER) data it shows a marked drop in solar rooftop installations – the lowest level in the comparable quarter in at least the last three years. Regardless of the drop in Q1, solar continues to play a growing role in the grid. The report looks at factors behind the changes as well as state-by-state shifts.

May 05 2022
Australia's Energy Future - Zero Emissions Dispatchability

Australia's Energy Future - Zero Emissions Dispatchability Australia's Energy Future - Zero Emissions Dispatchability

The latest discussion paper in the Australian Energy Council’s series on Australia’s Energy Future focuses on the need for zero emissions dispatchable plant to complement the growth of renewable energy and the retirement of existing coal and gas generation. It also looks at the types of zero emissions dispatchable power currently available. 

Apr 28 2022
Estimation of the market risk premium and its relationship to the risk free rate in the context of regulation of electricity and gas energy networks

Estimation of the market risk premium and its relationship to the risk free rate in the context of regulation of electricity and gas energy networks Estimation of the market risk premium and its relationship to the risk free rate in the context of regulation of electricity and gas energy networks

The AEC has published a paper, in collaboration with Energy Consumers Australia and the AER Customer Reference Group, on the estimation of the market risk premium (MRP). The MRP is used as part of estimations to ensure that consumers are paying no more than is necessary.

Apr 28 2022
Australia's Energy Future - Electrification and Heat

Australia's Energy Future - Electrification and Heat Australia's Energy Future - Electrification and Heat

The Australian Energy Council is releasing a series of discussion papers examining the challenges and opportunities in decarbonisation of the economy. This paper - Electrification & Heat - considers the potential electrification of heat sources in both the residential and industrial context.

BY Australian Energy Council Apr 21 2022
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