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1.5 Degree C aligned – what does it actually look like?

1.5 Degree C aligned – what does it actually look like?

Earlier this month, the CSIRO published economy-wide modelling looking at how each sector in Australia could transition to a 2oC and 1.5oC aligned world respectively. With mandatory climate disclosure laws kicking in next year, which will see companies required to assess how their businesses fit in a 1.5oC aligned future, this modelling is illustrative of some of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Here we take a closer look at the 1.5oC scenario, with a particular focus on what it means for the electricity generation sector. Read more.

BY Rhys Thomas Oct 31 2024
International Energy Summit: The State of the Global Energy Transition

International Energy Summit: The State of the Global Energy Transition

Australian Energy Council CEO Louisa Kinnear and the Energy Networks Australia CEO and Chair, Dom van den Berg and John Cleland recently attended the International Electricity Summit. Held every 18 months, the Summit brings together leaders from across the globe to share updates on energy markets around the world and the opportunities and challenges being faced as the world collectively transitions to net zero. We take a look at what was discussed.

BY Louisa Kinnear Oct 24 2024
Cost Reflective Tariffs: The Disconnect Between Theory and Reality

Cost Reflective Tariffs: The Disconnect Between Theory and Reality

Energy Consumers Australia (ECA) recently highlighted significant flaws in the implementation of cost-reflective tariffs, questioning their effectiveness in reducing network costs and benefiting consumers. As the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) prepares for its upcoming review on electricity pricing, we take a look at these tariffs and explore alternative approaches to managing network efficiency without imposing complex pricing structures on all consumers. Read more.

BY David Markham Oct 17 2024
Complex network tariffs: How do we best manage the risk?

Complex network tariffs: How do we best manage the risk?

Changes in network tariffs has led to a system-wide blame game, with retailers, networks and the regulator blaming each other for confusion among customers due to overly complex tariffs. So how did we get to where we are today, and where do we go to from here? We took a closer look.

BY Ben Barnes Sep 05 2024
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