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Australia's Energy Future - Consumer Energy Resources

Australia's Energy Future - Consumer Energy Resources Australia's Energy Future - Consumer Energy Resources

The role of consumers in the energy transition will continue to grow in significance. The Australian Energy Council’s members and other energy sector participants recognise the increasing role of CER in the energy transition as well as the value it can deliver to consumers.

BY Australian Energy Council Jun 17 2024
Bottlenecks affecting generation development in WA

Bottlenecks affecting generation development in WA Bottlenecks affecting generation development in WA

An energy transition is underway in Western Australia, led by State Government commitments and proposed policies that will shift the electricity sector towards more intermittent and low emission capacity. This Oakley Greenwood report provides a qualitative assessment of the challenges and bottlenecks of investing in new generation in the WEM, and the consequences if new generation cannot connect to the grid in a timely manner.

BY Australian Energy Council Feb 16 2024
Just Transition - Navigating Australia’s energy transformation

Just Transition - Navigating Australia’s energy transformation Just Transition - Navigating Australia’s energy transformation

The Australian Energy Council commissioned consulting and advisory firm, Strategen, to undertake a wide-ranging review of overseas and Australian experience in the energy transformation. It is instructive to learn from best practice transition examples, not only on how to mitigate the negative impacts, but also to maximise wider opportunities and this new report, Just Transition – Navigating Australia’s Energy Transformation, distils the most relevant insights.

BY Australian Energy Council Mar 10 2023
Australia's Energy Future - The energy transition and implications for transmission

Australia's Energy Future - The energy transition and implications for transmission Australia's Energy Future - The energy transition and implications for transmission

The latest discussion paper in our series on Australia’s Energy Future focuses on building the transmission required to connect the large-scale renewable generators needed to progress Australia’s transition to net-zero. That some new transmission is required is not in doubt. But the continued support of consumers for the energy transition is predicated on building the system as efficiently as possible. This raises questions about how to determine what gets built and where, how it is funded and who should bear the risks of overbuilding or building in the wrong location.

BY Australian Energy Council Sep 01 2022
Australia's Energy Future - Regional Transitions

Australia's Energy Future - Regional Transitions Australia's Energy Future - Regional Transitions

The latest discussion paper in the Australian Energy Council’s “55 by 35” series on Australia’s Energy Future focuses on the implications of the target and the transition to net zero for regional economies in the light of the progressive closure of coal power plants. It recognises that there is a policy case for a focus on these regions, given that coal power plants (and in some cases associated mines) are major employers in those regions.

BY Australian Energy Council Aug 04 2022
Australia's Energy Future - Zero Emissions Dispatchability

Australia's Energy Future - Zero Emissions Dispatchability Australia's Energy Future - Zero Emissions Dispatchability

The latest discussion paper in the Australian Energy Council’s series on Australia’s Energy Future focuses on the need for zero emissions dispatchable plant to complement the growth of renewable energy and the retirement of existing coal and gas generation. It also looks at the types of zero emissions dispatchable power currently available. 

Apr 28 2022
Australia's Energy Future - Electrification and Heat

Australia's Energy Future - Electrification and Heat Australia's Energy Future - Electrification and Heat

The Australian Energy Council is releasing a series of discussion papers examining the challenges and opportunities in decarbonisation of the economy. This paper - Electrification & Heat - considers the potential electrification of heat sources in both the residential and industrial context.

BY Australian Energy Council Apr 21 2022
Australia's Energy Future - Introductory Paper

Australia's Energy Future - Introductory Paper Australia's Energy Future - Introductory Paper

Electrification will increase electricity demand and the implications for the generation mix and networks require consideration. Additionally, decarbonisation is driving coal plant closures. In light of this the AEC is developing a series of discussion papers examining the challenges and opportunities with decarbonisation.

BY Australian Energy Council Apr 07 2022
Australia's Energy Future - Decarbonising Transport

Australia's Energy Future - Decarbonising Transport Australia's Energy Future - Decarbonising Transport

This is one in a series of papers exploring the implications of a 55% by 2035 interim emission reduction target proposed by the AEC. This paper looks at the opportunities for emissions reduction in transport. As with many other emitting activities there are multiple ways to reduce emissions from transport. However, with the ultimate goal of net zero in mind, options that decarbonise the fuel source are preferable in the long-term over options that can only make marginal reductions.

BY Australian Energy Council Apr 07 2022
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