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Statement on Integrated System Plan

Statement on Integrated System Plan

The latest market operator assessment of what would need to happen to achieve Australia's energy transition goals serves to highlight the sheer scope and scale of the task ahead and the significant uncertainties which still remain, according to the peak body for energy generators and retailers.

BY Australian Energy Council Jun 26 2024
Statement on Electricity Bill Relief

Statement on Electricity Bill Relief

The peak body for electricity retailers, the Australian Energy Council said calls for mean testing of electricity bill relief would add significant complexity to the rollout and delay the relief from getting into the hands of households.

BY Australian Energy Council May 16 2024
Energy Retailers Stand Ready to Deliver Bill Relief

Energy Retailers Stand Ready to Deliver Bill Relief

Energy retailers are ready to work with the Federal Government to ensure the smooth rollout the bill relief announced in the budget, the peak body for electricity retailers, the Australian Energy Council (AEC), said today.

BY Australian Energy Council May 15 2024
NPI Data Show Improvements in Emission Trends

NPI Data Show Improvements in Emission Trends

The latest release of the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) data shows a fall in fine particulate emissions from coal-fired power stations, while all other emissions also saw a decrease when compared with the 2021-22 data.

BY Australian Energy Council Apr 03 2024
New Report Identifies Bottlenecks to Generation Investment

New Report Identifies Bottlenecks to Generation Investment

A lack of new electricity transmission planning and investment, along with a lengthy, costly and opaque grid connection process risks derailing WA's ambitious plans to decarbonise and bring new renewables and dispatchable plant onto the grid, according to a new report prepared for the Australian Energy Council.

BY Australian Energy Council Feb 16 2024
AEMO Plan Identifies Dispatchable Plant Deficit

AEMO Plan Identifies Dispatchable Plant Deficit

The latest assessment of our energy system points to the urgency of getting sufficient firming capacity in place to back up the transformational injection of renewables into our grid, according to the peak body for energy retailers and generators, the Australian Energy Council.

BY Australian Energy Council Dec 15 2023
Australian Energy Council Congratulates Reece Whitby and Acknowledges Bill Johnston

Australian Energy Council Congratulates Reece Whitby and Acknowledges Bill Johnston

The peak body for energy retailers and generators, the Australian Energy Council, congratulates the Hon Reece Whitby MLA on his appointment as Energy Minister and acknowledges the work of the Hon Bill Johnston MLA during his stewardship of the portfolio.

BY Australian Energy Council Dec 08 2023
Electricity Sector Leads Decarbonisation Efforts

Electricity Sector Leads Decarbonisation Efforts

The electricity sector continues to do the heavy lifting in efforts to reduce Australia's carbon emissions and meet its climate targets, according to the peak body for electricity generators, the Australian Energy Council.

BY Australian Energy Council Nov 30 2023
AEC Statement on Expansion of Capacity Investment Scheme

AEC Statement on Expansion of Capacity Investment Scheme

The Federal Government's expansion of the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) is an important announcement that should accelerate the deployment of additional renewables and storage but is not without risk, according to the peak body for energy generators and retailers, the Australian Energy Council.

BY Australian Energy Council Nov 23 2023
Statement on latest market assessment

Statement on latest market assessment

The Australian Energy Market Operator's latest assessment of market demand and supply will act as a signal to the private sector to invest in new generation, the peak body for generators said.

BY Australian Energy Council Aug 31 2023
Statement on National Net Zero Authority

Statement on National Net Zero Authority

The peak body for electricity generators and retailers, the Australian Energy Council (AEC), said a national authority to support and complement existing work to manage the transition to a net zero emissions economy was welcome.

BY Australian Energy Council May 05 2023
Victoria’s ‘Back to the Future’ announcement a retrograde step

Victoria’s ‘Back to the Future’ announcement a retrograde step

The Victorian Government's election platform to reinstate the State Electricity Commission and expedite the exit of coal plant from the state will damage market and investor confidence and ignores the lessons of history, according to the peak body for energy retailers and generators.

BY Australian Energy Council Oct 20 2022
Australian Energy Council surging to a low-carbon future

Australian Energy Council surging to a low-carbon future

Published in The Australian, 16 December 2021 By Sarah McNamara, Chief Executive, Australian Energy Council In mid-2020, the Australian Energy Council supported adoption of a Net Zero by 2050 target for Australia.

BY Australian Energy Council Dec 16 2021
AEMO’s future plan welcomed

AEMO’s future plan welcomed

The Australian Energy Council has commended the market operator for delivering a clear-eyed assessment of how to best manage the "once-in-a-century transformation" underway in the electricity system with the release of its Integrated System Plan (ISP).

BY Australian Energy Council Dec 10 2021
Electricity is doing its part – the rest of the economy needs a plan to cut emissions

Electricity is doing its part – the rest of the economy needs a plan to cut emissions

To get to net zero by 2050 and significantly reduce emissions by 2030 other sectors will have to lift their game rather than let the energy industry do all the heavy lifting, according to the Australian Energy Council.

BY AEC Oct 28 2021
Energy Council welcomes important step forward for Australia

Energy Council welcomes important step forward for Australia

The Federal Government'scommitment to a net zero emissions target by 2050 is an important step towards the decarbonisation of Australia's economy, according to the Australian Energy Council.

BY AEC Oct 26 2021
Solar continues to set records

Solar continues to set records

At more than 14.7 gigawatts (GW) rooftop solar is now the second largest generator by capacity in Australia, according to the latest Australian Energy Council Solar Report.

BY AEC Aug 05 2021
Report shows solar continues to shine

Report shows solar continues to shine

Australia's love of solar continues to grow with the latest data showing people are going bigger when to comes to getting rooftop solar.

BY AEC May 06 2021
New data shows solar shines despite lockdowns

New data shows solar shines despite lockdowns

Rooftop solar installation grew by 18 per cent nationally over the last year, according to the Australian Energy Council's latest Solar Report, which showed record growth in solar PV capacity and installations during 2020.

BY AEC Feb 04 2021
Energy bill support welcomed

Energy bill support welcomed

The Australian Energy Council welcomes the Victorian Government's power bill support for households facing immediate hardship.

BY AEC Nov 17 2020
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