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Carl Kitchen 0401 691 342
Aug 06 2018

Joint Statement: Business and industry united in calling for an end to energy uncertainty

Representatives of Australia’s biggest employers, small businesses, the energy industry and the agricultural sector urge federal, state and territory leaders to put aside politics and ideology and support the implementation of the National Energy Guarantee.

Together our organisations represent businesses that employ millions of Australian workers. The business sector employs five out of six working Australians and contributes more than 80 per cent of economic output in this country.

Business and industry need policy certainty and stability in the energy sector. There can be no further delays. A decade of policy uncertainty has only resulted in higher electricity prices and a less stable and reliable energy system.

This Friday we call on COAG Energy Council to endorse the framework of the National Energy Guarantee to provide the investor confidence needed to make the important, long-term decisions for a reliable, affordable and clean energy system

Now is the time to act in Australia’s national interest. Australian households and businesses cannot afford the costs of yet another cycle of political sparring, indecision and inaction.

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